Superba Second Yarn Guide

I recently had a lovely visitor from Germany, who came bearing knitting machine gifts. Katrin Kennedy (Ravelry user Rumpletasch) was in Chicago for work, and lucky me! she brought along some hard-to-find Superba parts for me. Here she demonstrates how to use the Superba Second Yarn Guide, a separate plate that hooks onto the carriage to hold a contrast yarn for jacquard. Read more for a step-by-step.

The yarn guide is locked in place with the narrow white plastic tabs along the edge. Slide the tabs in (toward each other) to unlock, and position the metal tabs over the edge of the carriage. Slide the plastic tabs out and the guide is locked onto the carriage.

Slide the metal tab over the edge of the carriage to position the guide in place.

Pushing the plastic tabs moves this tiny wire spring that holds the guide in place.

From what I can tell, the main yarn should be threaded before you do this. 
Find more info here

Katrin also brought a 3D printed timing belt, brushes for weaving and thick yarns, plus a double jacquard claw. Thanks, Katrin, I'm really looking forward to trying all these out!

1 response
Hi! I too have this second yarn guide and have installed it for the frst time on my Superba. However, I can't get the yarn to knit at all. Do you have any resources that taught you how to use it? I know you posted this 7 years ago, but it's worth a try! Thank you, Eva